SEP 8, 2022
Save teachers hours of time they’d spend scouring the web for unvetted videos with hundreds of new, engaging videos curated with texts throughout Newsela Social Studies.
Bring inquiry to life with enhanced C3 Teachers Inquiries on Civics and Holocaust and Genocide Studies, which include robust implementation guides and a variety of diverse, dynamic sources
See how refreshed course-area collections on Newsela Social Studies can help teachers engage students with more present-day connections and structured choice
Sr. Director, Portfolio Product Manager, Social Studies
Walt has been with Newsela since 2017, initially overseeing Newsela’s expansion into Custom Curricular Services and launching the Curricular Solutions department. Today, he leads the Newsela Social Studies product portfolio, responsible for ensuring Newsela empowers students and teachers with tools to explore history - past and present - and engage the world courageously through authentic and equitable learning experiences. Walt formerly taught in elementary classrooms as a corps member in Teacher for America. He graduated from UNC Chapel Hill with a BA in Public Policy and a Masters in Education from George Mason University.
Educators need instructional content and tools to elevate their lessons and inspire learners. With this success in mind, we pinpointed four key elements to prioritize when selecting and planning your ELA resources.
This study examined literacy skill growth of elementary students in Dexter Community School and found that the Newsela users achieved about three additional months of literacy skill growth.
Dive into Newsela’s suite of premium products with this overview of all that Newsela has to offer. You’ll get a live view into our products which are purpose-built to unlock student motivation.